什么是网络? 如何提高你的社交技能?

2017年2月21日   |   专业发展

什么是网络? Networking is building relationships to share 资源 or information. It can be a skill that you learn through practice and it is something that you can always improve on in order to be an effective networker. Essentially, networking is people helping people.

Now, take some time and think: who exactly is in your network?

Make sure your network includes professional and personal relationships. 列一张你认识的人的名单. They don’t have to be related to the field you are interested in, 因为他们可能认识这样的人. Take a look at the people you could potentially get in contact with and consider how they may be able to help you.

  • 朋友/亲戚 – start with those closest to you and build your way out. We often trust in our family and friends and discuss our aspirations and career goals. 谈谈他们认识的人, friends of friends whom they may be able to make an introduction to, 你想要完成的事情, 以及你是否愿意与他们见面.
  • 邻居 – getting to know your neighbors isn’t just good to ensure you keep up with what is going on within your community, but you may be surprised to learn what your neighbors do for a living as well! Get to know them and start sharing information and 资源. 即使他们不是你感兴趣的领域, you may be able to help a friend out in the future through this new found connection.
  • 教练 – nowadays, many instructors in core courses are professionals in your field of study. This is a great incentive to not only be an active student in your classes, 而是要让自己出名,脱颖而出, talk to your instructors and keep them in your network.
  • Volunteering/Internships – this is a great way for you to not only gain experience, but start building relationships with the person you report to, 经理和其他员工. Contribute to conversations and build relationships. Volunteering or internship opportunities could potentially lead to a full time offer!
  • 熟人– you may not think about people like your hairstylist, 遛狗者, 保姆, or other people with whom you have a relationship outside of your friends and family as being part of your network. 但是当你仔细想想, many of us have been to the same hairstylist for years and by now the hairstylist likely knows about your personal and professional life. Or you’ve grown close to the sitter that has watched your child for years. Don’t be afraid to talk to these acquaintances about your degree program and your career interest. They may have a relative, friend or even another client, that you could add to your network!
  • 专业协会 -如果你在学校很活跃, now is the time to join a professional association, as many may offer memberships at a discounted rate. Take advantage of this and make sure that you start getting involved. Often chapters hold networking events in every state. See what you associations you may be able to join and start talking to professionals in your area.
  • CTU校友社区 – joining your CTU校友社区 through LinkedIn is also a great resource. 连接 with students and alums that have had the pleasure of working with you and build connections! You never know who is in the industry of your choice, visit the LinkedIn group at http://www.linkedin.com/groups/36587/

So remember, don’t make networking hard on yourself and make it fun. 记住这些最后的想法:

  • Be consistent on how often you connect with people and ensure to remain actively involved.
  • Share your professional or educational expertise; position yourself as someone who has knowledge or 资源 that are valuable.
  • Someday you may be in a position where you can help others achieve their goals. 也不要忘记帮助别人建立人际关系!
  • Don’t think of networking as something you need to do just to get a job, but network to build long-term and ongoing relationships.
  • People will do business with and hire people they know and trust.

Lupe Arellano is a Senior Career Coach with 6+ years of experience in higher education, 和管理. She is an active Domestic Violence Volunteer Advocate having completed the state-mandated training for the purposes of providing support, 安全规划和家庭暴力教育.

If you're a current CTU student or alumnus looking for more career advice, please contact Career Services at 866-813-1836 Option 5 or at careerservices@flcoastline.com

